
Just B...


I just finished running errands with Little Man, Baby B, and Princess Cousin.

Without a list.

Not my best idea ever. We kept running into people that I knew every few minutes as we walked through the stores. Baby B was showing off her tired funny self to cousin. Little Man was all a twitter about his upcoming birthday. Princess Cousin was very helpful. I was like a lost sailor at sea. I apologize if you saw me walking around with glazed eyes and I didn't say 'hi.'

I have always been absent minded and being a mom has definitely not helped matters. Just when my brain seems about to settle on a clear thought, it flies away again in another direction. I blame it on being creative and having so many great ideas floating around in my head.  ☺Nevertheless, I think that it is time to take drastic measures.

That's right. I am going to re-implement the use of .....The List.

In reality, I adore lists. Pretty little planners get me excited. Put me in an office supply store where I can dream about a beautifully organized life and I am glowing. (Never mind the fact that since my attention span is about the length of a gnat I probably will never stay focused long enough to truly organized.)

Life is pretty busy right now, and only going to get busier when I head back to work. So, it looks like its time to get a new planner (excited giggle). I know that I could use my phone, but it's just not the same. Call me nerdy, old school, whatever, but there's just nothing like putting a pen to paper.

Now, do I go shopping,make one of my own, or use one of these cute free ones from online?

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Freebie Friday!


Because I just thought is was cool and reminded me of raindrops on a spiders web. Because I am an artist and am going through an abstract phase.  Because we really need to finish our family room in the basement and these colors are the ones that I am hoping to decorate with...

Because I possibly have been looking at Pinterest art projects too much lately.  


(But I really do think it looks cool. Especially if I getting it printed on canvas. Or I could paint one myself 'for real'. Although I like the crisp, perfection of this design. Hmmmm.)

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Rosetta Stone, We're Not

It's interesting bringing home an older, internationally adopted child. Unlike bringing home an infant, who has not yet begun to talk, older children have already made that leap. Even in bringing home a baby, you will notice that their jabbering may sound different than what you may expect. There are sounds in other languages that we don't have in the English language.

Little Man came home with the most adorable accent. His birth language is Hadiyya, the care center where he stayed used Amharic, and then he came to the U.S. and had to learn English. Wow. I love watching the old videos of him when he was first speaking English. The accent is adorable! He picked up the language really quickly, but he still had the inflection that you would hear in his birth language. I have a voice mail saved from when he was three because it just sounds soooo cute.

We have been working really hard to help Baby B learn English so she can tell us what she needs more easily. She can understand most of what we are saying, but she is still working on being able to speak English herself.

The results have been...interesting.

Apparently, Baby B thinks that her name is 'Mama'. Either that or 'No.'  (Little Man thought he'd be silly one day and start telling sister that his name was Mama, so she thought her name must be mam too...then I tried to correct the confusion by saying no, whenever Baby B would say her name was Mama. Sigh.)

When you are finished eating, according to Baby B, you say 'Cacca.' Now, I'm not sure if you know what cacca really means (it involves using the bathroom and going number two) but I definitely don't want her running around saying 'Cacca!' whenever she finishes with something. This happened as a result of Mama trying to potty train and saying "Cacca, all done?" Whoops.

Baby B can say the word 'kitty' really well. This word can be used when referring to cats, dogs, rabbits, cows, elephants...

We've got 'Amen' covered. Baby B is even praying before she uses the potty these days. (I'm letting Little Man clear up the confusion on that one.)

I have discovered that we say "Okay" around here. A lot. My little princess walks around saying "Okay? Okay. Okay?" all day long. She's totally nailed that word in the English language. That and the words: yes, all done, more, and eat.

I'm thinking I'm not going to sign up to teach English anytime soon. Rosetta Stone people, you're safe.

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Great Expectations

Sometimes we have to adjust our expectations. Last night, Little Man and I were reflecting on how our life has changed since Baby B came home. To quote Little Man: "I thought the day we brought her home would be, like, the best day ever....and it was really more like a really bad dream. But it's good now." Yep. He summed it up pretty well.

Now, to clarify what he meant. Bringing home a new member of the family can be rugged at first.

Little Man did not expect the tantrums, or how hard it was to travel with a two year old who alternated between trying to take off into the crowds, pitching fits, and laying on the airport floor. He didn't anticipate what it would feel like to have to share his mom at bedtime, with a little stranger 'messing up' the routine. He didn't realize what it would feel like to have a two year old riding in the car, interrupting him while he tried to talk to his mom on the way home from school.

I didn't realize what it would feel like to have my heart divided in two, feeling badly for both my children as they struggle to get to know each other. I didn't know how hard it was when both of your children are mad at each other (irrationally) and you are trying to keep the peace. I didn't expect how different bringing home a two year old would be from bringing home an almost three year old developmentally. I forgot how much patience I would need.

We turned a corner a few days ago (Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, we had a dusting of snow.)

Suddenly,  Little Man and Baby B are truly siblings. He plays games with her and she doesn't feel the need to constantly try to get him in trouble.  (Seriously, she is so good at faking getting hurt...I can't believe it.) Little Man will come lay in my room while I am putting Baby B to bed and then we still have time for just the two of us to read books after she falls asleep. This morning while I was getting ready in the bathroom, Little Man was reading books to Baby B while she ate breakfast. When I came out to check on them, they were both glowing with happiness. Yay!

I'm not second guessing myself on whether or not I am doing the right thing. I'm just Mom and we're figuring it out as we go along. She's my baby, and some days she can be a real turkey, but most days she's so much fun. I've kind of figured out how to juggle having two little sweetie pies in my life. It is hectic, but it is forcing me to be much more organized and intentional with my time.

Yesterday I noticed the biggest change.  Baby B was having a tantrum about something. Before, Little Man would have gotten frustrated and left the room. His response, a tender smile, a hug for his sister, and a whispered "Mom, she is just so cute I don't even mind the crying anymore."

Happy sigh.

Now, we will ride off into the sunset and my children will never fight again. Oh, and I will always be an organized, put together, cool mom.

 That's how it works in a "real" family, right? ☺

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Just Be...

I can be much too hard on myself. Even Little Man has noticed and has gotten after me for it (thanks junior Dad!) I am trying to remedy this. Consciously trying to retrain how my brain talks to me. My internal self talk needs an attitude adjustment. It's okay if I'm not perfect, as long as I keep trying.

God doesn't make junk. I am not perfect, but I am perfectly suited for the places, people and projects that God has brought into my life.  I am perfect for my life, imperfections and all.

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Adoption Stories

All adoption stories are unique, yet one theme runs through each story. Every child who finds their family through adoption wants, needs, and deserves to have his or her early birth history redeemed. 

 I have been privileged to have recently read a children's book about adoption that does exactly that. 

Born From the Heart is a children's story book written by author Berta Serrano, a mom through adoption. Not only does the text tickle the heart, but the whimsical illustrations by Alfonso Serrano help pull the reader in to the happy fairy story of their family.The story helps to explain the beauty of adoption in a very age appropriate way. Little Man was especially delighted with the ending (I didn't tell him what the book was about before I read it to him.) 

Watch this short video for more information about the author's story, then get this book! 

You won't be disappointed. 

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"Poor" Me...

We are not rolling in the dough around here. I am not working while Baby B gets adjusted and used to home.  That means, there is no paycheck coming in during those eight weeks I am home. Whenever I start to get panicky about our current situation, I remind myself that compared to many parts of the world, we are incredibly wealthy.

I am getting pretty tricky with making money s-t-r-e-t-c-h farther than I ever knew that it could.
Things are tight, but we are making it work.

 With Christmas here before you know it, I am determined to still have a fabulous Christmas. (I know, I know, it's still October).  I love finding and making the perfect gift for my kids, nieces and nephews. Less funds does not mean that has to change. This year, I will just have to be a little more creative than I have been in years past. 

 I think I'm up for the challenge.  

Plus, I think we have the things that matter most-God's love, family and friends who support us, a roof over our heads, and each other.

 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19
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Keeping Things Clean

Today I was very excited that I stayed clean for a little over an hour! Granted, Baby B was asleep during most of that time, but still... These days, seeing me wearing clean clothes is rare. 

Who am I kidding, even seeing me look half way put together is rare.

Today I went for a walk with my sister. She looked completely cool wearing her yoga pants and a cool turquoise shirt and tennis shoes. (She also has older children.)Meanwhile, I'm walking around in my old jeans, old t-shirt, old tennis shoes, and sippy cup in my back pocket.  Sigh.

Yep, totally not going to show you a picture of that.

To get back to the clean clothes thing though, I think I might have a solution.

I thought about trying this, but realized it wouldn't take care of my lower half (the 'run to Mama and hug her' zone).

Then, I thought about something like this. 
Longer, but probably a little hot to wear inside. 

 Then I stumbled upon this little gem while cruising Pinterest . 


I'm thinking about sealing all of my clothes with it, so they are like oilcloth! The original idea was to do this with book pages, to make crafty little table cloths, but I think my plan is much more useful. 

Okay moms, who's with me!

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Ordinary Days

Today was a wonderfully ordinary fall day.  

Little Man had a "great day" in school. Baby B had a tantrum before nap (which did not come as a surprise to me, and I knew what to do about it!) That's huge. Every day more and more we feel like a 'regular family'. This little girl is no longer a stranger to us.

 To top it all off, was beautiful weather. 

We helped Grandma pick the apples off of their remaining apple tree, which is a fall tradition. 

 I really am trying to create a lot of memories together with Little Man and Baby B. Shared experiences is part of what makes a family.

I can almost taste the homemade apple sauce now. Mmmmmmmm.

Tomorrow, it's pumpkin time.

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Just B...


Having Baby B home has made me think about many things in new, ahem, more creative ways. 

Take eating a meal, for example. Baby B does not understand why ALL food in view is not for her. She will chow down her plate of food, and if I haven't eaten my food yet she will be very upset (or irate) that I am not giving my food to her.  The same with Little Man's food.  I have actually taken to eating many of my calories while she is sleeping...or hiding in the bathroom.

According to Baby B the old saying is...What's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine?

We are currently potty training Baby B, so hopefully she will be nearly trained by the time Grandma starts taking care of her when I head back to work. I know that Baby B is only two, but she really was not liking having wet or dirty diapers so we started potty training. Then, smart girl that she is, Baby B realized this was an area where she could assert her own will. That girl has bladder and bowel control like you wouldn't believe! Luckily, I have heard many parents who have used the M & M trick...I ended  up using  chocolate chips, along with wild "You did it! What a big girl!" cheering. I never imagined I would be jumping up and down because of someone's successful elimination of body wastes. Hmmm.

Bedtime. I can't be the only parent who pretends to be falling asleep so that their toddler will succumb to Mr. Sandman. She's really good but I always win out in the end, at least so far.

How did I acquire such 'tricky' skills, you may ask. I worked for years with middle school students, have been an aunt for eighteen years and loved every minute of it. I especially love the challenge of getting kids to want to do what I wanted them to do (without them realizing that I was doing it.) 

Always a good time.

Hopefully, these skills will continue to come in handy while I raise Little Man and Baby B. I don't know though, I'm a little afraid that they might start to outsmart me before too long.

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Good Days

Baby B is running around laughing, and screaming while she plays with her big brother and big cousins.  Earlier she was giving me big sloppy two year old kisses being silly. (Usually she kisses dolls or, frustratingly enough, the T.V.) These are both very big deals.

Today is definitely a good day.

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Sleeping less, playing more.

Last night was a tricky one. Baby B was moaning and crying in her sleep from about 2:30 AM until 5:30 when she got up for the day. She had been sleeping in my bed and during the night I was able to console her so that she didn't wake up Little Man in the night. At 5:30, I had gotten up for the day to pack lunch for Little Man, and get ready for the day in general-so she woke up sobbing when I wasn't there for her. Poor little sweetie.

Some nights are like that. On the way to school, I commented that I was a little tired this morning. Little Man asked me if I had forgotten what two was like (aka, taking care of a 2 year old). 

He is waaaaay too smart. So is Baby B. She is learning English like crazy! She especially enjoys telling our dog to be quiet and sit down. 

What have we been up to around here?
                       We've been doing a lot of dancing to The Wiggles ...                       
(I warn you if you watch this video it will probably be trapped in your head like it is in mine.)  

  enjoying the fall weather...
   learning a ton...

 and getting to know cousins.

I'm one blessed mama.

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