
Let's Kill Two Birds with One Stone

We are starting something new on the blog. With the holiday season approaching, I have found a great new way to get my shopping done without leaving the house and to raise money for bringing home Baby B!
 Thanks to Julie Gumm-author of Adopt Without Debt, I have discovered a new way for others to help me in the final push to raise the money to bring Baby B home. Any time that you shop on Amazon please use our link. Names are kept private on all purchases, and your cost will not be any different that normally. Amazon will just be donating an amount for every purchase made using our link.
Also coming-I hope by Black Friday...some of the projects that I have been making to sell over the past couple of months.

All you need to do is click on the link below. It will bring you directly to Amazon, linked through our Baby B adoption fund at no extra charge to you.

 Please share this link with anyone you know who will be shopping off of Amazon this Christmas season.


  1. We are also adopting from Haiti and have been fundraising. I am unable to find information about the amazon "fundraiser" that you shared. How would we sign up to get involved in the program, if you wouldn't mind sharing. Thanks!!

    1. I apologize for not putting that link in my original post! Go to this post on Julie Gumm's blog (author of Adopt Without Debt)

      She has a great blog about ways to adopt without debt.


  2. Thank you so much!! We are most appreciative!


Thanks for your support in our journey.