
Just B...

...Nocturnal :) 

I am a bit behind on things these days. Seriously. At this point, I am afraid to write down a list of all the things that I really need to get done.  My normal wake up time for the past couple of weeks is anywhere between 2:30 and 4:30 AM. It's not really that I am worrying. It's just that my mind seems to have decided that the quiet hours of the night is the best time to make an plan of attack for how to catch-up on things. 

I am sure it is only a coincidence that night is also the only time when I don't have an adorable Little Man or various other children there to fill in the air space with their thoughts). 

When I had Hodgkin's, various organizational tasks in the house 'unorganized' themselves. Catching up has been a process. True I am seeing progress, but it is so agonizingly slow that it is driving me crazy! I am not looking for a perfect, Martha Stewart type home-just something a little less, now where did I put that again?, then it is now.

I keep telling myself that slow and steady wins the race. It's true, I know and if I take the time to do things right, it will make all the difference when Baby B comes home. Because she is coming home, in time. We have our official government case number now which is a huge hurdle to jump over.

Really all these tasks are helping me to stay busy so that time will go faster, right?

So while we continue to wait for a court date, I have plenty to keep me busy....like all of that paperwork that wasn't filed, organizing the basement, finishing up a ton of projects to sell for fundraising, getting Little Man's passport, the art show that I need to create two new pieces for by the end of this month....

Sounds like caffeine time to me. :)

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