
Being Afraid

I have kept a journal for most of my adult life, but I was never going to be a blogger.

It seemed somewhat odd to me to imagine that anyone would want to know about my life. Ironically, I have followed blogs that I have found interesting and helpful to me at different times. So, it wasn't that I was 'against' blogging. I just didn't think it was for me. However, being a person who analyzes things maybe too much, I have been making a running blog-type commentaries to myself for years. I was afraid to blog, because that would mean opening myself up to the world and what their opinion of my life would be. But, I have discovered in the past few years that while the path I have chosen doesn't seem unique to me, to others it can seem unusual. And so they ask questions, and I try to answer them the best that I can.

In the case of adoption, I feel (judging from others questions about the subject) that many people would adopt but are afraid. Afraid to ask the questions of adoptive families (we don't mind answering them), afraid it would be more than they can handle (probably more than you think), afraid of how it may change their family (it definitely will), afraid of how much it would cost (depends on the country), afraid to ask for help (that's what we are here for.).

When it comes down to two choices, and they are both within God's will, choose the crazier of the two. Put yourself out there, and let God work out the details.

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