
Things that I've learned

Happy Sunday. 

I am feeling a bit introspective today, which is funny because if you could hear the background noise of what is happening here, you would hear a toddler in the midst of round four of an epic tantrum.

What exactly set it off? It's hard to say. She was terrific in church today (her first service since coming to America), but on the ride home she decided she wasn't happy. And so it began. 

Little Man is outside playing. Smart guy. I am trying to teach him to be patient, but also to do what he needs to do to keep himself feeling sane and healthy. It's tough being almost eight, an only child and suddenly having your life revolve around a two year old. As great as we are doing overall, I feel sad for my first born. This transition stuff is tricky even for a grown up! Now he has to share me and his whole with someone else.

How am I doing? Well, I'm glad you asked. I'm alright.

 Interestingly enough, Baby B has taught (or reminded) of some things about myself during her first week home. 

I talk too much.

I know, shocking, right?

My toddler can't understand much of what I am saying, and me talking just ticks her off more when she's mad. It is much better if I just stick with her, saying as little as possible, and let her know that I love her and am there for her. Sometimes that means I hold her through the tantrum, sometimes that means I just sit with her while she gets it out of her system. Always, it is better that I remain very quiet, still, and peaceful while she does what she needs to do. Somedays, that is easier said than done.

 I am (kind of) tough!

I can manage international travel with an almost eight year old and a two year old.
Need I say more? I'm not saying that I'm going to run out and get a tattoo any time soon but hey those trips are tricky.

I am strong

I mean, really strong. ☺I carried a two year old and a diaper bag all the way from from Haiti-and continue to carry her a lot most days (Little Man helped with the carry on.) Not that I'm complaining. It's great for attachment, and I will be pretty buff by next spring if this keeps up.

 I love smooching baby cheeks and getting kisses from my baby (and Little Man).

After waiting so long for my children to come home, I feel like I need to make up for lost time. Baby B has two years worth of hugs and kisses coming to her. Luckily, she doesn't mind. Little Man, on the other hand is such a man, I try not to smother him. After all, he has been home five years now.

Being an independent person makes having someone dependent on you very...interesting.

I am independent to a fault. Little Man came home wired to be pretty independent also. Plus, he was older when he arrived home. He definitely still needed me but most of those early baby needs he had already gone through. I always joked with my family and friends that maybe I wasn't 'wired' to be a mom of a baby. I think I may have even said, "My babies come home potty trained." Oh, foolish girl. God seemed to think that was a funny joke, and here I sit with a precious two year old starter package of my very own. Wow! Babies are tricky folks.

The learning is just starting. This adventure is turning out to be a lot different than when Little Man came home. But, I think that we are up for the challenge.

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  1. Mama B, sounds like you have it a little tough. But, it's all worth it, right? Little Man sounds like a really strong kid. And good luck with Baby B!

  2. It is totally worth it, and each day is better than the one before. When Little Man came home, there was a transition period too and we made it! He is an amazing kid. We are just really getting to know Baby B- but even now I can tell she is going to be just as amazing in her own way. Their personalities compliment each other, and we all make each other laugh. We are a blessing to each other's lives. ☺


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