Thankfully, the warmer days are starting to melt the piles of snow. There are even a few places where you can see patches of grass.
When my dad was still alive, this kind of weather would get both of us all excited. For us, melting snow has always meant two things. 1.) get out the shovels and channel the water off of the gravel drive. 2.) Start raking some of the snow banks down so that they melt faster.
Yep, kind of lame, but it always worked for us. When I was kid, us kids would be floating various objects down the rivulets of water my dad created in his quest to dry off the driveway. Now, Little Man and Baby B will be following in my footsteps, while I follow Dad's.
Some would say it's an exercise in futility. That it really doesn't make enough of a difference to warrant the amount of time, and effort we put in to the process. That it's much too early to be thinking that the snow will melt any time soon (at least where we live.)
They are probably right.
Dry driveway, here we come. Now where did I put the rake and shovel?
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