To quote "You've Got Mail " Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave?
Except, parenting is brave. One of the bravest things there is, when done right. Small, helpless humans entrusted into our care for eighteen years or so. Their future dependent on how we choose to love and guide them throughout every day of their lives.
Keeping that in mind (and the fact that it's a little late for me to be an Olympian) I was thinking about those aspects of my 'valuable, but small life' that would qualify for "The Parent Olympics."
Yes, they exist...I just invented them. ☺Here are some events I think I might have a chance at medaling in.
Sibling peacekeeping.
Two or more cranky children, one parent, you get the idea.
Food cutting challenge.
How fast can you cut up your child's food into bite size pieces (while they sit in the high chair crying)?
Lego phone run.
One living room, a box of dumped Legos, let's run for the phone.
Bedtime Story Reading
Can you read the bedtime story correctly, all the way to the end without falling asleep?
Closely followed by...
Midnight diaper change.
Dark room. Sleep deprivation. Wet baby.
The 'Angry Eyes' Stare Down
Stop the misbehaving child's behavior, using only your eyes.
Missing shoe scramble
It's time to leave for school, and your child can only find one shoe. Who can find the missing shoe in the shortest time?
'New Math' Homework
Help the student complete the math homework...using the 'new math' rules.
Snow-pants Wrangling
Cloth the small child in full snow attire. Points are deducted for all chins that are zipped up in the process. (If you live in an area with cold winter weather, you know what I'm talking about.)
The Interrogation
A room full of toddlers. One adult. Lots of questioning. Automatic DQ for crying under the pressure (crying by the parents that is.)
The games have already begun but we still are allowing late entries. What events would you medal in?
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