Little Man is a total athlete. He can assess most physical activities, and master them in a short amount of time. The same could not be said for me. I was the child who dreaded gym class.I could not do a tripod. Little Man has been doing headstands since he was four or five. I honestly used to think about ways I could accidentally get a minor injure me and thereby be saved from swim class, or...well you fill in the blank. If it is an activity that you do in gym class, I probably dreaded it. I was tall and lanky for my age, and lacked any athletic skills.
My senior year in high school I finally developed coordination, but by then I was done with all of my P.E. requirements so it really didn't help me much.
Baby B is super dramatic. Let me say that again. S-U-P-E-R dramatic. I have never witnessed a child her age that could pull off such an amazing fake cry. She can fake being asleep so that she will be left alone in a room to have unsupervised fun. Always a good time. I was a member of the drama club in school, but never made it on stage-even for a non speaking role. I tried out a couple of times, but apparently I was so bad they didn't even want my presence on the stage distracting the other actors. Yikes.
I have resigned myself to the fact that in many ways my children are completely unlike me. However, Little Man is developing a love of reading to rival my own. Baby B can play make believe for hours, just like I used to do. They both have tempers like, ahem, me. We all like to laugh. Most importantly, we love each other.
My children are forcing me to grow beyond where I would be without them. God knew I needed them in my life.
I never grew up dreaming of having children that were "mini me's". Which is probably a good thing. I think its much more interesting this way.
Tricky some days, but interesting. ☺
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