
Memories from Haiti

The last afternoon that we spent with Baby B was a busy day. We had left the guest house at 9:30 in the morning and at 1:45 we were stuck in traffic. Court takes awhile. 

I had reached the end of the snacks that I had packed for the day and was praying we would get back before Baby B reached meltdown stage (Little Man was already looking at me with 'mad' eyes from low blood sugar). 

As I preceded to feed my 19 month old  M&Ms out of desperation (I guess I won't be receiving that Mom of the Year award any time soon) a song came over the radio. I had already been thinking with dread about the fact that we would have to bring Baby B back to the orphanage that night (we flew out early the next morning) and a song came on the radio. 

It broke my heart then and did again this morning. 

 I guess I'm listening to it with a different set of ears.


"I Won't Give Up"

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