You know how it is, we all want to be 'in'.
Punk, biker, hipster, prep, athlete, intellectual...the list could go on and on. There is a group (or two) for most of us to slide into.
But what about those children who don't have the luxury of a family in which to safely discover who they are? Survival to adulthood is a 'maybe'.
There are not options for these kids.
No one there to comfort them when they are sick, when their friends hurt their feelings, when their heart is broken, when their stomach aches with hunger, when they are lying scared in their bed at night.
Where will they find to fit in?
Prostitution? Dealing drugs? Child militia?
As I sit here agonizing over the fact that Baby B is stuck over in Haiti waiting for us, I cannot help but think also of all the other children in the world hoping for love, food, family, a future (both internationally and here in America).
So what am I getting at here?
Let me be clear. I did not look to adoption as a means of 'saving' anyone. My children are my children, not my rescue mission. They are my family.
I have decided that I want to be in the group the works to make a positive difference in this world-even when the odds are stacked against me. I want to remember that my life is a sacred gift, and I have an obligation to not take it for granted. That every person is valuable to God, and I am called as a Christian, to serve others.
How I am meant to do that, I have a feeling I am just beginning to find out.
Where do you fit in?
“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”

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