Sometimes I get so busy I feel like I'm on steam roller mode. Wake up, go go go go go, fall into bed at the end of the day exhausted. Each day I am on a mission to conquer my list.
Must. Get. Stuff. Done.
Unfortunately, while steam rollers get stuff done, they also flatten everything in their paths.
This weekend, I decided that I would put away the steam roller for a couple of days and tiptoe through life for a while in Little Man mode. Take things a little more 'gently' if you will.
Have I gotten anything done today? Not much grown-up stuff.
But I did re-learn how to make paper boats to sail down muddy run-off rivers.
Oh, and the two of us may have discovered some the largest puffballs ever (just ask Little Man).
We also discovered a bunch of animal tracks and made up stories about what the owners of the tracks might have been doing.
We got wet, and dirty, and loved every minute of it.
Little Man declared that it was one of the best days of his life.
You know, I have to agree with him.