Our coordinator said to contact our cell phone provider to sign up for an international plan to use in Haiti. If that didn't work, we could ask someone on the plane if we could use their cell phone to contact our driver when we landed.
Yikes, that sounded a little bit out of my comfort zone.
When I stopped by the Verizon store, the very nice young man working said that if it were him, he would just pick up a pay as you go phone when he got to Haiti.
Still stressed out.
I decided to look online to see if there would be any way to get a phone ahead of time. After a lot of reading online, I decided the way to go would be to purchase an unlocked international cell phone. Then all I had to do was get a sim card and purchase some minutes once I arrived in Haiti.
Thankfully, I knew that I could purchase the minutes and the sim card right at the airport when we landed.
I searched Amazon, and picked up a very basic Unlocked 'Blu' Cell Phone.
It worked like a charm! The woman at the cell phone booth at the airport even put in the sim card and loaded the minutes for me.
All I had left to do was call the driver, using my very rusty French and we were set.
For communicating with home, we just brought an iPod, and used Skype and Facebook (they had wifi at the guesthouse where we stayed.)
Next travel tip-packing.

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