
Beautiful Day

Okay, so I have issues with cool August days. It definitely is nice to have a reprise from the heat of July. I love a break from the heat. I might even mow the yard during the day for a change. Today is sunny, with a nice breeze but there is something in the air that I don't care for. I believe most would call it the hint of fall.

Don't get me wrong, I love fall. It's so beautiful and the sound of the the leaves crunching beneath my feet as I walk through the woods is one of my favorite sounds. But fall means school. As a teacher, I love my job! Honestly, teaching is something that I feel called to do and I am thankful to have found I job but I truly love. This year, I will even be working at the school that my son attends which will be great!

I don't know if this makes any sense but part of me feels like a kid again when summer comes. As a kid, August and the county fair (which is going on as we speak) meant the beginning of the end for me. Usually, we would have already gone back to school shopping for clothes, notebooks, etc. and the fair was kind-of 'it' for me. After that, the weather was not always warm enough to swim everyday our normal summer activity. Well, I suppose it probably was but I was too busy dreading the start of school to enjoy it. You would think being a teacher, I would have loved school as a child. Nope. I loved the freedom to just roam around our property, catching frogs, wandering the woods, reading.

So. My goal this month with my Little Man is to try to pack in as much fun as humanly possible without tiring us out to the point that we will be wrecks once school starts. Oh, and to put away my internal 'little kid' until next summer. She was getting cranky anyway.

 Now the only question is...do we go to the fair tonight or tomorrow?

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