Yesterday, I hinted that I once had the good fortune to experience a Hallmark movie moment. Sounds exciting and romantic right?
Let me explain.
Last summer one of my closest friends and I made our annual trip to this really cool art festival. We rarely have missed a year, and this year was going to be a little extra special because we were attending 'sans kids'. The weather was wretched, cold and rainy, but, armed with our umbrellas,we decided to bundle up and risk it.
Like I said, this art festival is AWESOME!
We were trekking down another row of booths in a hypothermic stupor, when suddenly a man in a leather jacket approached me.
"I don't normally do this sort of thing, but I saw you walking through the crowd and I just had to take the chance. You are so tall, athletic...gorgeous. Exactly the kind of woman I like. Would you do me the honor of having a cup of coffee with me?" he asked.
I stood there frozen, and in a panic. I was torn. Should I feel horrified or flattered? My friend was standing a short ways away. I tried to mentally signal her "SAVE ME!" but it apparently was too cold for telepathic brain waves to travel very far.
" from around here," I sputtered "and will be heading back home as soon as we are done here."
"Neither am I. Maybe you could come back to my booth and we could discuss the possibility of us having coffee together. Let me introduce myself...Have your friend come over here too so I can introduce myself to her and get her approval as well."
To make a long (and very traumatizing) story short, my friend and I headed over to his booth and talked for about fifteen minutes with him. He seemed okay, although quite the pushy salesman, selling the idea of him. He kept stressing that I was 'nearly the perfect woman' (whatever that means)and at this point he had already declared that he was looking for someone to marry and have children with (among other random facts about his life). In fact, he even asked me if I would be open to having more children.
Hello, what?!
I told him I didn't think it would be fair for me to go out for coffee with him, when I had no intentions in having it go any further.We lived four hours apart and I was preparing to bring Baby B home. It ended with him saying that my life wouldn't be complete if I didn't have a man in it.
(I'm hoping you can feel the rage I was feeling at this point..."Oh you wanna play that way Mister, then let's go then!")
My reply, if God was in my life then my life was complete-if I marry one day that would be a bonus. I then revved up to get all theological on him (saying I need something more than God, seriously?!
Thankfully, my friend led me away before things got really ugly.
The thing about Hallmark movies is that decent ending is almost guaranteed...and they follow a script. There are happy endings in real life and romance, but when a stranger approaches you like that in real life (and starts hinting at marriage) it can really freak you out. Some of those story lines only work in a movie.
Now, I wonder what movie they're showing tonight on Hallmark?☺
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