Somewhere, a little child sits and wonders why she is alone, and unloved. Why others get to go to school, and she cannot. Her young mind worries over whether or not she will get a meal before she goes to bed. Or will she have to sleep again with the roaring pain of her hunger her only companion. Will she be warm enough, or even have a place to sleep?
What if she wakes up afraid in the night?
Somewhere, a little child will rise in the morning, to another uncertain day.
She will wish will all of her heart that there was someone to love her.
But maybe she's not worth it, she'll start to think...Maybe she isn't deserving of love.
I think she's worth it and I think we can help.
A new car, or being a part of someone's life, forever? There will always be a newer and better...something. A person's life? Priceless.

Pick one. Try it. I think you'll like it.
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