I like to imagine that I am the expert on 'me'. That I always know what my true motives are, what would make me the happiest at any given time, what the best choice would be for every situation that I encounter in life.
But that would be a lie.
Like most people, I am steaming through life, trying to make the best choices that I can at that point in time. Hindsight, unfortunately, is often 20/20.
You see, the way I look at it, the womb is the only stage in our life where we aren't being confronted with choices. Early infancy, still pretty easy peazy lemon squeezy. Not too long after, our choices become more varied and more complex. As we grow, we also come to realize that our choices effect others around us as well. Our words have just as much impact as our actions (sometimes more.)
Do we care? Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't.
I find that there have been times in my life that I fancied myself being 'the only one' who had experienced a certain emotion/event/tough decision. The one with all of the answers.
Yeah, right.
The people we find in our lives may benefit from what we have discovered-or maybe they are there to help us. In fact, my answer might not be the answer that someone else is looking for because they might really be trying to ask a totally different question (if that makes any sense).
And that is okay.
What makes my heart sing with joy today is definitely not the same as thirty years ago. Some choices in my life I might have made differently looking back years later. But that's looking back as the woman I am now, not the person I was then. Perspective (age) changes everything.
Do I have all of the answers? Nope. Will I ever have them (this side of eternity)? Nope. Not even close.
I need to remember that.
If you have any questions about any big decisions coming up in your life...you can ask me, but you may or may not like my answer. Or, my answer might not work for you because what you find important might be totally different than what I find important. Plus, my answer might change. I'm like that sometimes. Human. Changing. Learning. Growing. Seeing things from my point of view-can you imagine?!
God knows me better than I know myself. He knows the end result, where I'm just experiencing the present (and my own version of my past). He knew that a Cabbage Patch Kid is not a life changing event, and neither are some new wrinkles. Maybe being an eight year old isn't all that different from being a thirty-eight year old? We still have a lot to learn.
While each life is unique and special to God, much of our life could be made simpler if we were to park our pride at the door, and allow others to help us along the way.
That's the hard part. Asking and receiving help.
But if we're brave enough to reach out and do it, I have a feeling that it's totally worth it.
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:27,28
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