
The End of a Good Run

Last night, the weather forecast said snow was on the way. Depending on how the storm tracked, we were supposed to get anywhere from four to 10 inches.

 I prepared for it like I always do. Go to bed at regular time, and do not set the alarm to wake up early because usually the snow just misses us. Besides, I normally wake up at 4:30 every morning. There would be plenty of time to shovel and still make it to school by 7:30.

Fast forward to this morning. I wake up late (5:16) to find that we have received a foot of snow overnight. Yikes. Needless to say, I hustled my bustle out as quickly as I could, knowing that I would need to report to school on time. (It was technically a two hour late start for us-but educators are kind of like the postal service around here "Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom or night...")

Now, I pride myself in being a hardy Midwestern gal. For fifteen years I have managed to get by with just me and my shovel, always making it to work on time. No pick-up truck, no plow, no snow blower. By evening someone generally comes to my rescue and plows me out (thank you neighbors and family) but it is all me in the mornings. 

Sadly, today that long glorious run ended. 

There was a ton of snow. Little Man joined me in shoveling for forty minutes just to get the snow removed from in front of the garage so we could back the car out and turn it around. What a trooper. We managed to make it down to the road where we promptly got stuck in the ridge created by the snowplow. After shoveling some more and a final push from a friendly deputy sheriff we were on our way.

So, do you think I will be worrying about getting in a workout today.


I wonder where I can purchase a reasonably priced snow blower?


New Games

In an attempt to keep myself occupied until Baby B comes home, I have started to try to think up new activities that I can do with Little Man. The reasoning behind this is two-fold. First, I know things will be a lot different once his little sister is here and I am trying to bank up a bunch of 'fun' so that there is no doubt in his mind that he is still my Little Man (he is definitely a kid for whom quality time matters.) The second, Little Man is still working through some school anxiety issues that have made some areas of school difficult for him. At home he does fine, at school it has been hard.

Really hard.

 I've been trying to find creative ways to work on those things that are stressful for him in school. 

Math has been an issue, which is odd to me. This is the kid who has been doing math in his head on a regular basis (addition/subtraction) since he was four. He thinks that he is just a lucky guesser. I've tried to tell him that it is impossible to always guess the right answer but he has yet to be convinced. If other kids are finishing the assignment before him, he starts to panic that he must be doing something wrong, and has a hard time finishing. So I have been inventing various games to help him to increase his speed.

  Today we played "Winner Eats All." I try to think of names that would be tempting to a seven year old boy. Using Racko cards, which are numbered from one to sixty, we divided the deck in half. Then we would flip our top cards up at the same time. Whoever had the higher number, gets to 'eat' the other person's card (a little greater than, less than practice).

 In a stroke of genius, I decided to up the ante and declare whoever has the most card at the end would have to kiss their own feet. A hilariously funny prospect for my child sure to convince him to play. 

Guess who lost?       

This girl.

Guess who can't reach her toes to her head anymore?

Yep...this girl.

Guess who's son decided it if you can't reach your own feet, you would have to kiss the winner's foot.


 FYI seven year olds have sweaty feet. Oh, and don't go for a rematch. Their feet only get sweatier the more you play.

Little Man could hardly breath he was laughing so hard. Apparently my face looks funny just before I kiss his nasty little foot.

Good times.


Icy Roads + More Snow on the Way = No School!

I apologize for my absence lately. Heading back to work after Christmas break is always hectic. I have been working really hard at making sure we still make room for fun in our day, after the regular school/work day ends. This means, less time on the computer and a LOT more time outdoors. Consequently, I am falling asleep quite early these days. Turns out, sledding every night for an hour really wears a person out.

Today we are home from school due to the weather. After all staff reported for duty at regular time, they realized it was too icy to have the kids come in at all. (With  snowplows sliding off the road into the ditch, they decided it would be best.)

My Little Man is beyond thrilled. This morning when we were heading out, he went out first to see how bad it was. As I came out onto the porch, he called out to me "Oh, mom it is WAY to icy out here for you! Wait for me to come and you can hang onto me when you walk to the garage."

 I love my little gentleman. He was right, it was so icy that you slid around on the ice without even trying to move.

So what to do today? 

Play outside (very cautiously for me...I can't afford a broken ANYTHING!)

   Try to get a good picture of the pileated woodpecker that has been feeding at Grandma and Grandpa's suet feeder. Those things are ginormous!

    Play some games.

    Read some books. 

    Practice some Kreyole.

    So much to do...and it's only Friday!